Note: Ice cream is available by pint and 4 oz single serves.

Plain Jane Ice Cream Scoop

Plain Jane™

Vanilla.  Subtle, spectacular vanilla. Made with real vanilla extract from The Vanilla Bean Project.

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This is the S’more You’re Looking For

We put your campfire s’more in ice cream. Vanilla ice cream with homemade marshmallows, soft chocolate chunks, and graham cracker pieces.

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Anger Manage-Mint Scoop

Anger Manage-Mint

Cure PO’d with PC – Peppermint Chocolate! Chocolate ice cream made with our farm’s peppermint.

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Tap That Scoop

Tap That

Maple Syrup – Maple Candy – MmmMmm! Made with real Vermont maple syrup

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They're a Rainbow

They’re a Rainbow

Yellow Anne raspberries, red raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and sparkles in a vanilla base. The perfect mixed berry ice cream.

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Beefy Blond

Beefy Blonde

Dedicated to great athletic women of substance – Lindsey Vonn, Kendall Coyne, Sister Lily, etc. – who love a great breakfast ice cream.  Maple, blueberries, and bacon.

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Whiner Scoop Image


Marquette red wine grapes as ice cream.  Yes, please. The Sisters don’t do Needy, and that’s just what red wine grapes are.  But it makes a really great ice cream.

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Snap Ice Cream Scoop


Homemade, half-baked ginger/chocolate/molasses cookies blended in a light vanilla base.

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Respect Your Elders Ice Cream Scoop

Respect Your Elders™

The common elderberry, genus Sambucus, has an awesome flavor when treated well; good tasting, good for you, and great color for your ice cream cone.

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Raspberry Beret Ice Cream Scoop

Raspberry Beret™

Our fresh grown red raspberries blended in a vanilla base. Named in honor of the ultimate performer’s ultimate song.  A blend of three of our farm grown red raspberry varieties blended into a light vanilla base.

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The Experience Ice Cream Scoop

The Experience

We like to think the Jimi Hendrix Experience would like this flavor when they got the munchies.  Half-baked aronia berry brownies blended into a rich aronia berry ice cream.

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Berry In Black Ice Cream Scoop

Berry in Black™

Strong and intense, like a great Johnny Cash song.  We grow giant blackberries to blend into a vanilla base.

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Overtime Ice Cream Scoop


Our coffee ice cream with our farm-grown red raspberries.

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Officer Bob Ice Cream Scoop

Officer Bob Special™

Named for our favorite police officer, who insists we always be stocked with his favorite flavor, chocolate chip.

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Nine To Five Ice Cream Scoop

Nine to Five™

Our nod to the Fabulous Dolly Parton – super rich, super creamy, super high-octane coffee ice cream.

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Dirty Anne Ice Cream Scoop

Dirty Ann™

Our super sweet yellow Anne raspberries blended in a light chocolate base. Chaste Anne’s alt cousin.

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Crystal Blue Persuasion Ice Cream Scoop

Crystal Blue Persuasion

The Mother of All Anarchy’s favorite color and one of the great peace & love rock songs, made from our purple/blue blueberries and a light vanilla base.

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Chocolate Safe Space Ice Cream Scoop

Chocolate Safe Space™

Straight-laced, non-threatening chocolate, for those who can’t face the full consequences of Chocolate Anarchy.

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Chocolate Anarchy Ice Cream Scoop

Chocolate Anarchy™

A really, really, really rich, dark, chocolate ice cream.  Makes chocolate lovers swoon.

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Chaste Anne Ice Cream Scoop

Chaste Anne™

Pure as the driven snow, made from our super sweet yellow Anne raspberries and a light vanilla base.

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Bronx Cheer Ice Cream Scoop

Bronx Cheer™

Yeah, a razzi, except ours tastes good.  A rich raspberry ice cream with a semi-soft dark chocolate blended in.

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Black Velvet If You Please Ice Cream Scoop

Black Velvet If You Please™

One of the great Canadian rock songs, Alannah Myles at her best, and our blackberries blended into a light chocolate base.

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