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Vermont ice cream on the move to the big city

Farmer Bob has been uncharacteristically quiet for the last few weeks. While he has been mostly continuing to work hard at the farm, the Mother of All Anarchy and he also had the opportunity to bring our Vermont ice cream to the big city. While he made the Sisters’ delivery to our first two Boston retail locations—Dave’s Fresh Pasta and Formaggio South End–he had some COVID-safe conversations with some of the big city folk.


Talk about a fish out of water! The Mother of All Anarchy moved easily in conversations, well-versed in the art of inane chit chat and wildly charming as always. Had she taken a Dale Carnegie course? Name the topic–public health, berries grown for our ice cream, the challenges of kids at home during Coronacation, the finer points of tiddlywinks–you name the topic, Becky had it covered.


But Farmer Bob suffered mightily.


FB–Nice to meet you.


Other Person (OP)–you as well.


FB–so what sort of work do you do here in Boston?


OP—Oh, we don’t live in Boston, this is Cambridge. Also, I don’t “work” per se, I’m a hedge fund manager (asset manager, tech entrepreneur, venture capitalist, non-profit exec director, UN policy advisor, etc., etc.).


FB–but, what do you do?


OP- Oh, VERY complicated stuff.


FB–Wow. Fascinating.


OP–So what do YOU do?


FB–I’m a farmer.


OP– ………………….. For cloud applications?


FB-No, no. Not network farms or digital storage. Farming, like food? And then we make Vermont ice cream with it.


OP–Oh (thousand yard stare ensues).


The good news, Farmer Bob, the Sisters and the Mother of All Anarchy don’t care what you do. We just love fans who appreciate our awesome farm-to-cone Vermont ice cream.

Pogge melting pink and light brown Vermont ice cream sits on a brown cutting board with chocolate chips and red raspberries NULL Blog Photo

It’s not you…. It’s us…..we’re at our order max for the week. Read the order FAQs.